Friday, September 16, 2011

Shocking Headline: "Oxford University Applicants as Likely to Be Asked about Twilight as Shakespeare"

No, not a actual headline from a British newspaper, The Telegraph, announcing that students applying for admission to Oxford University (the British equivalent to our Ivy Leagues) are as likely to be asked about Twilight as Shakespeare.

Check out the full article here:

The reason given is that the admissions officials want to see how students think about a book that they've read independently (rather than a book that they've been taught).

I find this intriguing, but definitely controversial. What do you think about this? Do you buy into the idea that a skilled reader can read ANYTHING well? Even Twilight?

[To see Oxford University's actual media release about this, click here.]


  1. ...The heck? Harry Potter's not in style anymore? What about the late Brian Jacques's books? Isn't he still cool?


  2. Harry Potter or for older readers...A Song of Ice an Fire? Niel Gaiman? Terry Pratchett? They are British odds are they've read these guys...
