Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Last Chance!!!!

Hi all. This is your last chance to add to our fabulous Twilight blog. Feel free to use this space to share your ideas about our final novel of the semester and how it relates to Never Let Me Go, Dracula, The Picture of Dorian Gray, etc.

For bloodsuckers, does manliness matter?

To get you started, you might want to check out this spirited repartee on two popular culture blogs:

"Why Don Draper Is a Far Better Vampire Than any of Twilight's or True Blood's" (NYMag.com)

"The Emasculation of the Modern Vampire?" (Salon.com)

If you want to find a real vampire, according to these critics, look to Don Draper not Edward Cullen.


You can post your comments about Twilight here!!! Just type your comment in the box below, choose a profile (anonymous is fine, but put your name in the post) and hit the "post" button. 

1 comment:

  1. Here's Twilight in a few words...
    1)Bella is the main character.
    2)Edward is a vampire.
    3)Bella and Edward fall in love.
    4)Edwards has a wacky hairdo.
