Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dorian and Edward


As I've been re-reading The Picture of Dorian Gray and thinking about character, I've found myself comparing the dazzling Dorian with the sparkling Edward Cullen.  Apparently I'm not the first one to immediately think about the similarities (and differences) between these characters.

Check out this humorous entry entitled "Dorian Gray is Better than Edward Cullen" on

Or this blog entry entitled "If Dorian Gray met Edward Cullen..."

Care to share your thoughts on this dynamic duo?


  1. Well I'm actually surprised you have been on . . . now I have to read these . . . I do prefer Dorian Gray, but I think it's mainly because of the 2009 because it was rather well done, minus some liberties the director and writers took in making additions to this film. . . But I do suggest it get watched.

  2. I too prefer Dorian Gray. Dorian is more real and manly where Edward is...well, boyish and pretty pathetic. Its been awhile since I read Twilight but I do remember thinking how weird and stalker like Edward was. I mean, who does that for real unless they're for real creepy and has problems? And another thing, Edward always complains or is depressed or whatever, just to get attention. Ugh, please! Just grow up already! You'd think after living for so many years he would have.
    By the way, I used to really like Twilight and still kind of do but now I understand why there are so many haters...

  3. Just gonna say, Edward was, hypothetically, not born beautiful, he was made beautiful when he was changed. Dorian was always beautiful, his genetics made him the perfect predator. Dorian can take advantage of his appearance and his ability to control other people and get what he wants because he has always had it. Edward is like someone who got their head shaved as a prank and can't deal with the attention and thus cannot use it to his advantage. They are similar in appearance and allure, but Dorian knows how to manipulate people once his looks trap them, Edward is just confused by the attention. Dorian would trap him like a fly in a spiders web and use him up.

  4. I agree, Hana there is something about Dorian's natural beauty that is far more powerful then beauty that is given to you.
